Saturday, March 28, 2009

J's first Birthday

A week ago we had a wonderful celebration! Our first grandchild turned one year old. It is really hard to believe that last year at this time we were marveling at the miracle of this little boy's birth. We have thoroughly enjoyed each and every phase of his young life and are so enjoying this new experience of being grandparents. As one of my patients told me yesterday, when he looked at the pictures of my cute grandkids, "the only good thing about growing old is having grandchildren!" He's exactly right!
Jayden was a little train conductor for his birthday party.
The theme was "Thomas the Train"
He even had his own private little cake...
...and lots of presents!
Plenty of games to play...
...and bubbles
...his first candle
...and cake!
We couldn't tell who had more fun with the airplane, daddy...
...or the boys! (I've tried to download the video of Jayden riding, but I'm not having much success. I will keep trying.)
This little boy is trying hard to learn how to walk now. And he's already trying to fill his father's shoes!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

comings & goings...

Just a random post of some of our comings and goings...
A couple Sundays ago, we had pulpit exchange in our district. We went to Pasadena and Jim spoke there. We had a wonderful time of renewal there with friends. It brought back good memories for Jim as he thought back to his time of attending services there while he was in college. The building is so beautiful with all the rich woodwork. It reminded us alot of the first church that Jim served in.
After church services, we enjoyed time together with Penny and her husband. It is always so fun to be together! And we have such a good time of laughter and memories!
Their cozy house is nestled up against the mountains. Fortunately, our day was clear and the view of the mountains was awesome.
Lately, we've been searching out the different walking parks in our area and recently came across this one. Can you guess why it is called "Vista View?"
I always think that it is so strange to see active oil wells right here in the middle of the city, right amongst the houses! (Guess who was here first...)
We stayed until the sun set and the lights of the city started to make pinpricks in the darkness.
On St. Patrick's Day, we had a farewell party at our church for a dear friend, Dave. He has been helping out in various ways at the church for the past two years and now will be moving north to help another church group.
We wish Dave the very best, but will miss him dearly. He is a close friend of our oldest son and has been with our family so many times that we dubbed him the fifth son! Our prayers go with you Dave, in your newest venture.And, since it was St. Patrick's Day, I couldn't resist a picture of these two Irish gals!