Saturday, January 24, 2009

Meeting Kylie

Yesterday we were finally able to meet and hold our grand daughter. She is every bit as sweet and beautiful as she looks!
She is very petite!

Her parents are very proud!And so are her grandparents! Then, to top off the evening, we walked across the street to this smiling face! What pure joy these little ones have brought to our lives! It really is hard to remember what life was like a year ago when they weren't present yet...

Boys-big and little

A week ago we were at the baby shower honoring M&B. After all the guests had left, we were able to enjoy some time alone with our little grandson.
We are not biased or anything...we just think he is the most handsome little guy around!
Three generations of James.
Already enjoying "wheels" with daddy
He's recently learned how to give his mommy big kisses!
And his latest trick is "mimic dad and mom as they talk into the glass." It is really cute and fun to watch him interact!
Jayden was also very generous in sharing his Cheerios with his Grampa...
Unfortunately, he also shared his virus with Jimpa and that led to almost a week of being sick in bed! But then...what grampa would turn down a Cheerio from his grandson???

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

There's a baby girl in the family!

We still haven't gotten to meet this precious little girl, because Jim came down with the flu last night! And we certainly do not want to expose these dear ones to sickness! We are so thankful that baby and parents are doing fine and looking forward to possibly going home this evening. These are some of the pictures that were sent to us this afternoon. (thanks Penny and Krista) Now I know how my parents felt when their grandsons were born overseas and all they could do is look at the pictures, and wish that they could feel that little bundle in their arms! This waiting game is hard!!!
24hours old!
Sweet innocence!
This is one very proud daddy! Congrats M&B! We can hardly wait to see you and your little Kylie!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Little did we know...

Yesterday we went to a baby shower for M&B
in preparation of welcoming a baby girl into this world.
Kylie Elizabeth made her appearance this afternoon,
January 19th- about 24hours after this baby shower!
Welcome to our precious grand-daughter Kylie.
(Sorry, no pictures yet because we still have not met her.)
Krista & Jamie hosted a lovely baby shower.
Lots of pink
The cake was actually a series of cupcakes...
...with this cute little one in the center of all that frosting!
The expectant couple (who now are proud parents!)
Playing a very crazy game, "guess that poop!"
Then it was time to open the gifts...

She was actually starting labor!
The nursery was all ready for the little one.M received some expert advice from Penny, the newborn nurse specialist.These two little buddies had fun playing (and also entertaining the adults!)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

winter beauty in Cali

While many of our family members are enjoying the beauty of wintry, snowy days, we are blessed with the beauty that surrounds us in the land of sunshine and warmer days. These mini-roses in front of our home bloom almost year around.
This is a blossom from a vine that climbs on the wall in our back yard.
Geraniums are a favorite of mine, and we have several pots of red geraniums gracing the front of our house...
and also pink geraniums! And after several tries, a lovely Hibiscus is thriving in the "gardenette" on our patio.
Some plants growing in front of our house-lots of green.

Some of the Asian Persimmons from a tree in our backyard. (Sorry, I didn't get any pictures while the tree was loaded with the ripe. red-orange fruit a month ago. Right now, it looks like a dead tree that should be chopped down! So... we must remember well that not everything that appears to be dead and worthless, really is!)
We also have a small orange tree in our backyard. It produces the sweetest, most succulent oranges! This year, however, only one, lonely orange graces that little tree...We will enjoy every bite of this orange!Last year, our newest tree-a guava- produced nine little guavas. This year almost every branch had nine guavas on it! We have been enjoying this fruit in our morning smoothies.
A year ago, these palm trees were planted close to our house. (Actually, the one in the middle is a cell phone tower and the other two are planted to camouflage it.) The tree on the right is located right in front of our house, and for the longest time we were convinced that it was dead and should be removed. Then about two months ago, our gardener clipped apart the ropes that had bound the brown, dead fronds together--and surprisingly, there were green fronds hiding underneath! These palms need to be trimmed back soon, but for now we are just enjoying the fact that they are alive!
For those of you that know me well, you know that one of my favorite flowers is the Bird of Paradise. This was taken a couple months ago, but I just love this unique plant. What a blessing to know the Creator who has blessed us with all this beauty to enjoy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Birthday James

Yesterday we celebrated our oldest son's 34th birthday together with him and his extended family. Like he told us last night, "the family just keeps growing bigger. Isn't it fun?!"
We do agree! It has been so much fun to watch you grow up...
And this past year we have watched you in your newest role: fatherhood! We love being grandparents!
You have brought us much joy, Jame, and we are so proud of the man that you have become.Have a wonderful year of many celebrations! We love you and your family!