Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thankful for: parents

Today is my parents' wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary Dad and Mom!
I am so thankful for the wonderful Godly example my parents have shown me and my family through the years. They have demonstrated love and faithfulness to each other and to God--in all circumstances of life. What a blessing you have been to us! And what a testimony of your love for each other and God.
This recent video is of my dad singing. Even though his memory is failing him, his voice rings strong and clear with the words to all the songs that are dear to his heart.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful for-little girls...

 M&B came to our house for Thanksgiving. Actually, they came a couple of days before, so that we could have some fun! On Wednesday, we took the day off of work and did food prep in the morning, then as soon as the little girls woke up from their naps, we headed to Pretend City. What a fun place that turned out to be. First we went to the "farm"...
 There were apples and oranges to pick...
 gardens to plant...
 (Meanwhile, Poppi and Em found a construction zone...)
 back on the farm, the crops were coming right along.
 That was one very proud little farmer (with her tiger suit on!)
Soon the re-enforcements arrived...
 There were strawberries and lettuce to pick...
 But there were so many other things to see and do! 
 Fire Engines and cars--just her size!
 Bridges just her height...
 and a little house that had furniture and rooms just made for her!
 A little kitchen...
 and even the bathroom of a perfect size--no step-stools needed for standing by the sink! But there were more places to explore...
 Like the big playroom, with games to play...
 and soft bowling pins to knock over.
 But there was more to see--like fishing in the ponds...
and playing in the sand on the beach.
 It was a good time for mom and dad to relax a bit and just enjoy watching the fun.
Em found herself another car again, complete with interesting dials.
 Next we were off to the dentist...
 ...then off to visit the doctor's office.
 By this time, we were getting rather hungry, so we stopped by a little restaurant and ordered some food!
 But little girl found another little house to explore!
Father and son needed a bit of time to relax and chat...
while mother and daughter headed for the craft room...
...and created butterflies!
Nana and little girl spent some quiet time in the library.
We had a wonderful time at Pretend City and look forward to a repeat performance again someday! 
We had a lovely Thanksgiving Day together. (I forgot to take pics of the actual "sit-down" event, but the food was good, and the fellowship was great.) While the women were busy cooking in the kitchen, this little princess had her daddy helping her make playdoh jewelry for the special day.
After a few story books and some lunch, the little girls took a long nap and the adults were able to enjoy a meal together without interruption. 
We were privileged to host a couple of guys from church as our Thanksgiving guests this year. After the girls woke up from their naps (and enjoyed their Thanksgiving meal), we were treated to a mini jazz piano concert by D. Fantastic!
A few hours later, we checked out Nana's flowers...
...then bid our farewells. We had such a lovely time. Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Lefsa Time!

 Last weekend we traveled to Pasadena. It was a "3-fold mission"- Jim had a committal service, we wanted to spend time with family & friends, and I was going to participate in a lefsa making party! Since this is truly a labor-intensive job, we started the whole process on Friday evening by gathering our supplies and planning the procedure.
 Between the eight of us, we had 55 lbs of potatoes to peel. Yes, that is alot of potatoes!
 Then we started to boil them--just right--not too long--so the potatoes would be perfect, not too wet. 
While the potatoes were cooking, we enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Karen. Thanks!
 By now, the kitchen was becoming a bit steamy, so we opened up some windows and then started mashing all those potatoes. 
 We followed Penny's recipe, carefully adding the ingredients. After that was finished, we cleaned up the kitchen and organized the four "work stations" so that everything would be ready in the morning. We had to be careful that each grill was plugged into the right outlet, to avoid blowing any fuses. We were so thankful for the men who had color-coded all the outlets to help us in this task. Finally,  we were off to our houses until the next morning. I know that Penny and I "dreamed lefsa" all night, and I'm sure that there were others that did as well! After all, we had alot of potatoes to grill the next day! 
 By 9 o'clock in the morning, we were already busy ricing the potatoes...
 ...then mixing in the flour
...and finally chilling the "logs" of dough while the grills heated up and the rest of the girls arrived. 
 First, a lefsa rolling demo by Penny...
 ...then off to work! With that many ladies working, we all had ideas from "how mom made lefsa" but only a couple of the women had actually done the whole process themselves, so we relied heavily on their expertise. But we also realized that my mom was the only living mother that we could call and ask for help--and I did call--several times! Thanks mom, for your patience and also your expert help! 
 Everyone was busy rolling, flipping, and grilling those Scandinavian delicacies... 
and admiring their lovely pieces of lefsa...
...then the cooling
 ...and of course, the taste!
 Incredibly delicious! We are such good cooks!!!
 There was also the teaching of the next generation. Mother teaching daughter...
 ...a niece observing the "pro" at work
 ...Grandma teaching her granddaughters.
This little girl could hardly wait to finish her soccer game so that she could get back to grilling lefsa! She turned into a real pro by the end of the day!
It was a lot of lefsa...but we have enjoyed every bite!
At noon, we enjoyed another delicious meal, this time prepared by Renae. Thanks! We had so much fun--working, and eating, and laughing, and singing! It was a great party!
 After all that lefsa dough was gone, we decided to try our hand at making "Flatbread,"  so we went back to work again! At least that dough was easier to roll, but it took longer to grill. 
 Then we popped it in the oven to dry it out. 
 There were shouts of joy when the last piece of dough was lifted off the grill!
After over six hours of work, we were left to clean up that flour mess--all over the kitchen! It was a good feeling, though, when we looked at the fruit of our labor...
Thanks girls, for an awesome Lefsa Party! Enjoy each bite, you earned it!