Thursday, June 25, 2009

the month has flown by...

It has been awhile since I last posted so will try to catch up on some of the events from the past few weeks!
The first weekend in June, Krista planned a surprise celebration party for Jamie. He completed his degree a couple months ago and we all wanted to recognize his accomplishment. He was indeed surprised! Congrats, Jamie, for a job well done!
And congrats to Krista for all the great support, the planning and for the sweet surprise!
This little one was eager to help daddy open presents...
and share the harmonica fun!
The happy graduate
Two little buddies, seeing eye to eye...
We just love watching our sons with their little ones...
Grandma reading to K...yes, she really does love books and follows the pictures!
Oh how we love those Gk's!
The second weekend in June, Jim traveled back to the Midwest for another celebration--back to where the grass is greener, and the air is cleaner, and the spaces are wide-open! He loved seeing the newly planted fields turning green.
The church that we used to serve was celebrating their centennial year.
He had a wonderful time visiting and renewing friendships.
That same weekend, our annual church convention began. Even though there were many issues to be discussed and voted on, there were also many uplifting sermons and Bible studies and times of encouragement and prayer.
Following the convention, Jim spent several days with Marilyn's parents. One day, he traveled north with them to visit Ray's only living sibling. On the way, they stopped by Raymond's cousin Judith. These cousins grew up together on neighboring farms.
At 91 years of age, Judith is still very active and living in her own home. Marilyn remembers the time many years ago, when Judith stayed with her family while she taught VBS for two weeks during the summer. Not only was Judith an excellent teacher, but she also was a wonderful storyteller! Each evening, Marilyn and her siblings would gather in Judith's bedroom to listen with rapt attention while she told a fascinating story.
The beautiful Mildred!
Ray and Mildred visiting with his brother
Raymond and Norris- brothers
Every summer, the ladies of the church choose a restaurant and celebrate my birthday with me! Here are three of the friends who celebrated with me last week. (Since I shared a birthday with all the fathers on Father's Day, my husband and I celebrated together that Sunday. We both enjoyed calls from all our children and siblings-thanks!)
But the best part of that evening of "birthday celebrations" included these ladies! M&B came to town for a date night and left this precious little one for grandpa and grandma to babysit.
Who could ever resist that face?
Or that thousand dollar smile???

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

37 Years!

Today is the day that we promised to love each other no matter what came our way! It has been quite a journey, but we can honestly say that we love each other more deeply today than when we first started on this road together. We praise God for giving us to each other and for His faithfulness in keeping us day by day. Happy Anniversary to us!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Around town

Recently we found a new park. We have been exploring different parks in our area, and always seem to be surprised by the beautiful oasis of tranquility and quiet here in the hectic pace of city life.
This park had a two mile walking trail, several areas for different sports...
...magnificent trees,
...several playgrounds for children,
...and this beautiful lake! We are very anxious to share this lovely park with our children and grandchildren. (Hint, hint!)
We are enjoying experimenting with our new camera! The full moon and the palm trees in our yard provided a magnificent view two nights ago. What a wonderful creator God we have!

Stopping by...

We are truly blessed by all the friends we have! Some friendships go way back, and some are new. We treasure all of them.
A few weeks ago, we were surprised by a visit from this couple. Jim knew John many years ago when they attended the same church together as young men. Now they've added wives (and children and grandchildren) to the mix...Imagine the fun they had re-connecting almost forty years later and catching up on each others' lives!
A week ago, we had the joy of hosting a "reunion" of friends for these dear people from the midwest. We have known J&K for many years and have always appreciated each time our paths have crossed, both here and abroad. We are thankful for the Godly influence that they have had on our lives and also for their encouragement over the years.
On Sunday afternoon, several other friends of J&K arrived at our house for a time of "food and fellowship." The time went by all too fast, and we made some more new friends in the process!
We are very happy to live close by these wonderful family members! Not only are we cousins, but we were also neighbors years ago when we lived overseas. Every time we are together, we enjoy re-telling stories of our times together. We also spend alot of time just laughing! After all, laughter is good for the soul!!!
And this is the newest member of our family! Rachelle came to live with us last week. We have enjoyed very much getting to know her and we look forward to many more fun and encouraging times together. We are also very excited about the fact that she and her fiance will be joining us in our work here at our church.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Little ones

A week ago we visited our grandkids (and their parents, of course!) and enjoyed a great evening. They are growing up so fast and so much fun!
This sweet little girl had had her baby shots just that day, but she was smiling in spite of it!
Oh so cute! Since he started walking, this little boy has gone none-stop and in high gear!
This little airplane is no longer just for sitting on...
somebody's daddy has encouraged his climbing abilities...and of course, we all have to applaud when he climbs on up!
And, there is the footstool--a stepping stone to higher places.
Oh such fun to accomplish a goal! What a cute little ham he is!
Little cousin looks on, and wonders what it will be like to join in the fun in a few months.
Mom suggests that maybe all this hazardous behavior merits a helmet for protection...
How about shades also? Oh we had so much fun and so many good laughs! Everyone is correct, grand-parenthood is the greatest!!! And we just love getting to visit and enjoy these little ones.