Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lasting Friendships

We are so blessed with friends from all over the world! Not only are we forming new relationships now, but we are also blessed to renew old friendships. Having worked for many years overseas, and having endured similar trials and difficulties, we learned to treasure our friends there in a precious way. Last week we had a visit from some very precious friends...

We have known Jim and Karen for many years. Although we served with two different mission organizations, we were knit together in one spirit under the Lord that we loved and served. These dear people have just retired after serving as overseas missionaries for the past thirty years. We thank God for the many lives that were changed because of their willingness to sacrifice for His kingdom.

These two Jims have actually known each other since childhood. Since both of them had missionary parents, they grew up as TCK's (third culture kids) and became friends when they attended missionary boarding school as children. Later on, they both returned to the land where they were raised, and worked as adults, often working together as they served in the same role in their respective mission organizations.

No evening like this would have been complete without inviting more missionary friends! We were happy that Steve and Doreen and Chuck could also join us for the evening. Jim and Karen had lots of pictures to share with us...

...and lots of stories to share! We talked and laughed about our many shared experiences. Jim also told us about their most recent visit to an area that was located less than 100 miles from where we used to live. They showed us pictures and told us stories about the recent (to all of us anyway!!!) discovery of dinosaur tracks! Our evening visit went by all too fast, but we know that there will be more to come. Thank God for friends!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

grandparents day,etc.

Last Sunday was Grandparents Day, and this was our first time to celebrate the event with this precious little guy! He has certainly changed our life this past year, and we praise God for him!
We are so thankful that his parents were willing to come and visit for the day. We appreciate every time we are together.
Happy Grandparents Day! M&B also came to spend the day. And they got some "parent-practicing"...
We are excited for this second grandchild to be born in a few months!
This week we said good-by to a dear friend. Elaine is moving to another state to be closer to several family members. We will miss her so much but know that God has prepared the way for a new and exciting future. God's blessings, Elaine!
This morning we were privileged to be part of an honored group from our church. We were invited to a "Senior Appreciation Luncheon" hosted by our women's ministry leaders.
Not only were we waited on by our lovely hostesses, we were also served a delicious Italian meal. There were about twenty people in attendance and the fellowship was so sweet! We are so thankful for the many new friends that God has brought into our lives in the past two years.

Monday, September 1, 2008

that sweet little face

Yesterday afternoon, J&K dropped by for a visit. We were so happy to see them and also delighted to spend time with Jayden, our precious grandson!
He's growing up so fast! He now has his two bottom teeth and he is constantly drooling and chewing on things...

He sits so well now and loves to play. There's that ready smile!

He loves to be outside in the stroller.
All set for bed in his brand new PJs!
That million dollar smile that we treasure so much!