Monday, September 1, 2008

that sweet little face

Yesterday afternoon, J&K dropped by for a visit. We were so happy to see them and also delighted to spend time with Jayden, our precious grandson!
He's growing up so fast! He now has his two bottom teeth and he is constantly drooling and chewing on things...

He sits so well now and loves to play. There's that ready smile!

He loves to be outside in the stroller.
All set for bed in his brand new PJs!
That million dollar smile that we treasure so much!


doug&margarethe said...

So precious! Love that ready smile! Glad you got to spend time with him!(..and his parents!). There's just something so special with those Grandkids..They grow up so quickly and are learning so much this first year. Love to you.

Leingang Family said...

It was fun to catch up on what you have been up to lately. Your grandson is so cute!

Now I really want to go to the Melting Pot in Portland someday! It looks so yummy!

CJ Olson said...

Wow your grandson is SO adorable!! How fun to enjoy having him around so that you can get to know him and love him!! Looks like you all have been having a great time and keeping busy out in CA!!