Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

We have been blessed once again to celebrate the Lord's birth with family and friends. We are so thankful for the past year and all the wonderful changes, surprises, joys and also sorrows that it has brought our way. We rejoice with you at the this time of year and exclaim to all
"A Merry Christmas and God bless us, everyone!"
Now we will share with you some of the highlights of the past week...
Of course, our celebration centered around this little boy's first Christmas.
Jayden also earned to climb the stairs while he visited us.
and play the piano...
He crawls faster now and loves standing up and walking beside things.
It was wonderful to have the "big kids" around also! Bec and Gina carefully tasted each jelly belly to make sure that all the beans were correctly flavored.
Krista had to check out Mark's laptop and his latest programs.
The weather on Saturday was cool, but we did enjoy a walk around the neighborhood with this little guy.
On Sunday morning, as Gma was working in the kitchen, this happy little guy showed up. We went to the morning service together as a family, then enjoyed a relaxing afternoon together. In the late afternoon, we had our family celebration and opened gifts.
The reading of the Christmas story...
sharing the past year's blessings and lessons...
...then it was time to open the presents!
Time for family pictures!The brothers missed Jared...
even Jayden got in on the act!
Merry Christmas to all from us!

1 comment:

doug&margarethe said...

Fun to see your Christmas in photos after our phone visit!