Saturday, January 24, 2009

Boys-big and little

A week ago we were at the baby shower honoring M&B. After all the guests had left, we were able to enjoy some time alone with our little grandson.
We are not biased or anything...we just think he is the most handsome little guy around!
Three generations of James.
Already enjoying "wheels" with daddy
He's recently learned how to give his mommy big kisses!
And his latest trick is "mimic dad and mom as they talk into the glass." It is really cute and fun to watch him interact!
Jayden was also very generous in sharing his Cheerios with his Grampa...
Unfortunately, he also shared his virus with Jimpa and that led to almost a week of being sick in bed! But then...what grampa would turn down a Cheerio from his grandson???

1 comment:

Kari, RN said...

So sorry you got sick, but you're right... who could pass up that Cheerio from such a cutie! He's getting so big!