When I was growing up, I remember a song that I often heard on the radio. These were some of the words:
Everytime I see a rainbow, shining in the sky above,
I remember God's great promise of His faithfulness and love.
When there's a rainbow in the sky, the clouds around go smiling by!
There's a promise written there, of our Father's love and care;
When there's a rainbow in the sky.
What a blessing to know this wonderful Father who cares so much for us!
One of the truly great things about rainshowers in the LA area, is the clean air that comes afterwards! And we love seeing the snowcapped mountains that surround us.
This is also a favorite scene, as we drive up the street that leads to Chuck and Penny's house. This majestic church in the foreground, with the mountain range in the background is so beautiful!
We enjoyed an afternoon walk with B&K. It was rather chilly, so K was toasty warm in her pink snowsuit! She loved being outside again (as did all of us) after being cooped up indoors for the past week.
We loved seeing all the old elegant houses in the neighborhood.
This little girl loves my phone!
Who can resist that smiling face!
The greatest highlight of yesterday was getting to meet Emily Grace! Unfortunately, the first time I (Marilyn) got to see her, they had the larger breathing apparatus on her face.
When we went back again in the evening to meet with the eye surgeon, EG had a much smaller oxygen cannula, so I could actually see her little face. (Alas, the camera was back at the house with a charging battery!) It was just such a blessing to be able to see her and touch her and even hear her tiny little cry!
I was blessed this morning with these words from Psalm 146
Praise the Lord! Let all that I am praise the Lord.
I will praise the Lord as long as I live.
I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath.
Don't put your confidence in powerful people;
There is no help for you there.
When they breathe their last, they return to the earth,
and all their plans die with them.
But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper,
whose hope is in the Lord their God.
He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them.
He keeps his promise forever.
He opens the eyes of the blind.
We praise God for Emily Grace and pray that He would continue to heal and sustain and grow this little one into a woman who honors and loves Him.
Oh, the Lord is good! Thank you for those Bible verses too. We're praying for complete eye sight for EG. So very thankful you finally got to see EG!! My prayer was answered.PTL. and to think God prepared that this specialist was available to give care to EG =not too far away for them.
Love the pics of K and B and you!
K and the phone-texting-etc reminds me of M&B alot!!Determination. She is so cute! Glad you could be with B at the hospital as I'm sure it is a strain to not have M with her on these many hospital visits but he is doing his part by supporting his family with his job. Praying so often for them.
I love your posts. Your pics are great and we keep track of Emily Grace everyday. By the way, has your guava tree born fruit yet?
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