Sunday, July 20, 2008

Minnesota Trip #5--Moving on

After saying goodbys to our family at Rayn's lake home, we started driving towards Minneapolis. This time Jim was behind the wheel of the powerful little Hummer!

Jayden decided to catch up on the sports section. Since he had just been at the lake, of course he had to check out the lastest news on fishing.

We met Jared for supper so that he could enjoy some last minutes with his nephew.
He even shared some pretty tall tales of his own childhood, and gave his nephew some tips on pranks that little boys can play on their parents!
It was fun to see the brothers together again.
And of course, there had to be one last time of male admiration for that fabulous machine that we had been riding around in!

Big brother...little brother

One last beautiful Minnesota sunset

Then back to Great Aunt Margarethe's house to spend the night.

Jayden was sad to leave his family and friends behind, but he knew that it was time to go back home to sunny California!

Of course, Jayden's grandmother promised to come back to California also, so she could be nearby and visit often and watch him grow up! That made him happy again, and so he left the next day with his parents and flew back home.

Meanwhile, as we waited for our plane departure, we were invited to spend our last evening in Minnesota with David and Julie and little D. Actually, little D was pretty happy this time that he didn't have to share his grandmother's attentions with that little California cousin of his!

And, little D also loved all the attention that Great Uncle Jim gave to him!

That evening he also discovered where his mommy was hiding her cell phone...

and soon he was entering the electronic age and texting all his friends! (just kidding!) But he really was occupied with that phone for a long time.

Just before we left, little D convinced his parents to settle down and pose for a family picture! Then we left for the airport and flew back home to California. When we got to the airport, we were greeted by these two sons! So even though we left one son behind in Minnesota, we were happy to look forward to spending time with these wonderful guys!


Jamie and Krista said...

Fun trip & great memories! Thanks for posting Mom!

doug&margarethe said...

Fun to remember all you did and saw while you were here in MN! Come again! Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing ALL the wonderful family photos sis, love to all, Beck