Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Memories from the Family Reunion

We were so happy to be with so many of the Erickson family members at our recent reunion. It was a great time to catch up on each others' lives and also renew relationships.
Also a time to update the family tree... remember the past
to work on puzzles...
to share spiritual insights... play games, both indoor
...and outside.
A time to visit with a cousin whom you haven't seen in twenty years... meet cousins that you may not have seen for a long time!
Lots of kids and adults enjoyed the new rock climbing room that was recently built. 
Lance braved the roads and traveled alone by motorcycle several hundred miles, just to be together with family.
Author cousin Al shared about the writing of his books and even held a book signing one afternoon.
Family ties...
camp fires at night...
listening to stories from the past...
leisurely or invigorating walks...
...and plenty of photo opps. We have so many great memories of the family reunion. And let's not forget the Saturday morning picture-taking time!
One family....
after another, group by group...
(the fourth generation of cousins)
The hour was very long for so many of the little ones, but they survived. After all, picture taking of large groups is just part of being an Erickson!
 We thank God for the heritage that is ours and pray that all who come behind us will also be faithful to the Lord and to His Holy Word. May God continue to bless our family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great, fun photos. And E looks soooooo big now! Hope to see you soon. Debbie