Monday, May 14, 2012

Second Easter

 M&B arrived at our house just before midnight on Easter Sunday (having spent the week visiting his brother and family in North Carolina), so we decided to have a second celebration on Monday after Nana got home from work. First a little food...
 (sometimes a bit of coaxing helps...)
 ...or the opportunity to sit way up high on the counter.
 Then mommy got the girls all dressed up pretty and we tried to take some pictures...
 we tried numerous times...
 ...unsuccessfully, so we moved on to the next activity!
 The Easter egg hunt! First mommy had to hide the eggs out in front of the house. (and little girls had to practice patience once again)
 Then there was a flurry of activity as the hunt began!
 Em had a hard time seeing the colored eggs until she was right next to them, but the shiney eggs she spotted far away! She made a b-line for the first one, and had to check out the contents. 
 Because of big sister's multiple food allergies, we could only put certain kinds of candy in the eggs. Em decided that if the candy was not chocolate, it wasn't even worth keeping--so back to the ground it went!
What a joy to have our grandkids close by so we can enjoy them so much! 

1 comment:

Brooke said...

You have a beautiful, growing family! The grandkids have changed so much. What a blessing to have them close to you!